"Angels and Demons", the much awaited prequel to "The Da Vinci Code" has come up with its movie version. The movie released today worldwide. As the highly talked about sequel "The Da Vinci Code" which released before this movie in the year 2006, this movie too is directed by Ron Howard and stars Tom Hanks as the famous fictional Harvard University symbologist Robert Langdon. You can download the movie "Angels and Demons" from here, but I would prefer you go and watch this movie in the theatre.
As all other cine buffs, I too have been eagerly waiting for this movie. The earlier movie "The Da Vinci Code" didn't live up to the expectations of everybody. As always, this was a classic case of a movie not standing upto the reputation and class of the book on which it was based, and moreover, in this case, the book was one of the most sensational and path breaking of all times, shocking the world over. It brought about as much adulation as criticism right from Hollywood to the Vatican to the White House. The movie had everything required to create a huge buzz before the release - it was based on "The Da Vinci Code", it had Ron Howard as the director who had directed great films like "A Beautiful Mind" and "Cindrella Man" to name a few, and last but not the least Tom Hanks in the leading role. But, the movie couldn't live upto the expectations with critics saying things like "the movie was a bit longer than required", "the book was far better", "the film had wooden dialogues", "there was no chemistry between Hanks and Audrey Tautou", etc.
But, Ron Howard is famous for being always true to his own heart and doing things which he loves to do. People say nobody can stop from doing something if he is really determined to do it. Ron was unperturbed by the critics and he had always planned to make "Angels and Demons" after "The Da Vinci Code". This time, he has filled in all the gaps that he had in the earlier movie. The movie is faster and never let you off the grips, the locations are stunning (let you know that they were not allowed to shoot inside the Vatican, so whatever you see is a movie set recreated), and so is the direction. Some minor details are cut from the movie to make it faster and the ending is also changed as also the way Leonardo Vetra is found (don't worry I won't give any more spoilers :) u can enjoy the movie). But what works for the movie is that the look and feel of the movie is really engrossing. Eyelet Zurer looks really good in her first big outing and does a perfect job as the eye candy for Hanks.
The movie should be well recieved from both the critics as well as the movie. As for me, I am keeping my fingers crossed, and will go back to watch the movie one more time. Enjoy ... :)
My Rating : 8/10